Thank you for using this form for work on NEW property brochures. Please complete the relevant information below to ensure the brochure gets input into our queue.

    Required Fields

    Please note, this form will not submit if the following fields are not completed.

    Please select a lead broker for this brochure.
    NOTE, we will only reach back out to the lead broker for revisions and final approval.

    Please designate a 2nd broker, if applicable.

    Please designate a 3rd broker, if applicable.




    Sometimes the new property name is different from what the property was once called. If unsure, please reference a previous property name if applicable.

    For Lease / SubleaseFor Sale

    Remember to include suite numbers and names (if applicable) and whether or not units can be combined, etc.

    Check all that apply



    Brochure Cover

    Has a cover photo been uploaded to the UWRE server? NOTE: This image will be used both for the brochure and website listing.


    Photo File Name:

    Should the store front of the property be highlighted? If yes, please make sure you have clearly marked the facade border on the lead property photo.


    This appears as orange sub-header text on the brochure.

    Building branding/logosDeveloper logosCover existing signage with Urban Works "For Lease" signs

    Brochure Interior Page Options

    If yes, please upload the file here.

    This information is typically found on page 2 of the brochure.

    YesTest FitsShow multiple demising options

    If you have multiple demising options, put your notes here:

    YesCurrent roster / logosShow multiple demising options

    Include on page 2Create separate page

    Walking ScoreTransitBike

    Remember to include intersection.


    Place details like crop radius, etc.

    Std Radius: 1/4, 1/2 and 1Custom

    Enter custom miles:

    Provide 7 or more names of area retail.

    Final Review & Send

    Please review all information prior to hitting submit. Once submitted, we will receive in our marketing inbox and will coordinate with Haylee on final delivery.