Grocery Deserts: Urban Works featured in Portland Business Journal

Urban Works contributes to Portland Business Journal featured article.

Urban Works’ own Craig Sweitzer provided key information to The Portland Business Journal for their recent special report: Grocery Deserts of Urban Portland. The piece, written by Jon Bell, examines the ability of grocery stores to activate neighborhoods, as well as the shift of the traditional fully stocked grocer to the smaller, more specialized outlets we are seeing pop up in urban markets today. Bell, with the help of the Urban Works team, identifies 7 urban neighborhoods that don’t currently have a large grocer, and the challenges that have prevented grocers from taking root. Historic Milwaukie, Old Town Chinatown, Goose Hollow, Brooklyn / Lower Powell / Creston, South Waterfront, Sylvan / Skyline / Highland, and the ever changing Central Eastside were identified in the piece. Pick up a copy of the Friday, March 10, edition of the PBJ or visit their site here for the article and slideshow(subscription required).